Tuesday, September 25, 2007
My first day of uni started, it was from 9:30 - 18:00, went running and handed in lots of job applications.....want the money to start up don't we? At the moment I am tierd, hence the spelling mistakes that will occassionally pop up. Yesterday was my English Lit. day, free today and tommorow, then again thursday and friday. Have my rugby trial tommorow....have you seen the size of them? I'll get squashed...that was mean...but I feel like a pipsquek in comparison. Ah, met a guy.....^^......he's really sweet, he's taking me ot to dinner tonight (the one I told you about over the phone mum). Missing you all sooooooo much!!!!! Dad hasn't responded to my calls on whether or not to go out, the flat mates are out.....and everything in High Wycombe is being rebuilt. What's a girl to do, there's only so much exercising one can do and only so much money to shop with.....mmmmmhhhhhh. Luv u guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This is my seond full day in fresher week and I'm confused as hell, my course name keeps on changing name and I keep getting lost in both Wycombe and the uni (although t's good to know I'm not the only one in that department). The mood is slightly angry at the uni for the confusing course mess, the weather is friggin' cold, but all in all the people are really nice. Nothing like you tend to expect them to be, guessit's primarily fear speaking, but slowly but surely it's drifting away.........vvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy slowly ^^. I have 8 flat mates, 3 of which are girls. The most diverse lot I have ever met, but there's never a boring day though.
Missing my family loads, feling slightly teary about the whole situation since to me it's the end o the world this whole mess up with the courses, I mean I just got here and already disaster strikes........... not a good sign.
Missing my family loads, feling slightly teary about the whole situation since to me it's the end o the world this whole mess up with the courses, I mean I just got here and already disaster strikes........... not a good sign.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
World anew
It's been a while, and from here on after will mostly likely be one of my only contacts left (discluding the many wonders of facebook) to family and friends. Three years is a long time, and some where along the way a new life will begin for me. I'll mature, I'll grow wiser and maybe even grow into a job, but one thing I do know is that just because I'm leaving, it doesn't mean I'll be taking my heart with me. I'll always be thinking of my family, constantly missing them and wondering what they could possibly be up to. Perhaps, in the mean time, I can find a way to improve myself so I can make them all proud.
I will always miss you, and in this blog, a diary will form of what I cannot say on the phone due to expensive telephone costs. For now, it's on with the packing.
Till we meet again.
I will always miss you, and in this blog, a diary will form of what I cannot say on the phone due to expensive telephone costs. For now, it's on with the packing.
Till we meet again.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sigh, whoever ivented them should be sued (if by chance this person happens along this blog............sorry, but it's true). It delivers kids mental health issues, unnesesary stress and loss of hair, unnatural colds during study periods or come the time of the exams themselves and cause kids to die from suffucation indoors on a stuffy bed with THE boring books in the world. I checked, Harry potter was available as a book, yes, wouldn't I have loved that, but NOOOO, Howards End. I swear we all sat there waiting for the end of Howard until we figured out it was a house, then it was just 'burn, house, burn' followed by a nice THE END.
As one can tell, exams are finally over and I am content..............in the fact that the afore mentioned books will never be allowed possible in my sight again: Howards End, Doctor faustus and Carol Ann Duffy's anthology of gruesomly detailed lesbian, vegetable, bestialty sex involved poems. WHY? I ask you. Can anyone think up a reason why on earth teachers can bare to teach this? Don't they know the damage they're doing, excuse me, have done?? Drain Bamaged, that's what we are, with capital letters wherever you want cause we just don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, whooooo! Three written and a physical done, just three more and an AEA to go...whooo aren't I a lucky bunny.
Well, i guess I can stop ranting for now. ow's my family? haven't had any nasty exams that scared you for life have you? Ne one else? make me feel better with your horrid tales? People I don't know? care to join in? hellllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo????????? an you hear me? me? me? heh. Echhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooo.
See, I've lost it.
As one can tell, exams are finally over and I am content..............in the fact that the afore mentioned books will never be allowed possible in my sight again: Howards End, Doctor faustus and Carol Ann Duffy's anthology of gruesomly detailed lesbian, vegetable, bestialty sex involved poems. WHY? I ask you. Can anyone think up a reason why on earth teachers can bare to teach this? Don't they know the damage they're doing, excuse me, have done?? Drain Bamaged, that's what we are, with capital letters wherever you want cause we just don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, whooooo! Three written and a physical done, just three more and an AEA to go...whooo aren't I a lucky bunny.
Well, i guess I can stop ranting for now. ow's my family? haven't had any nasty exams that scared you for life have you? Ne one else? make me feel better with your horrid tales? People I don't know? care to join in? hellllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo????????? an you hear me? me? me? heh. Echhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooo.
See, I've lost it.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
depicting: Anger
No light can pass across the mind,
No thought of clear contempt.
A storm of blood red thunder flashes,
Rolling, tumbling, a relentless fall.
With stripes of black and yellow slit eyes,
A burst of strength and an explosion of claws.
Anger does not think before action,
A gun? A knife? A thick puddle of roses?
Envies twin, or a love that's scourned,
A broken heart or from lonliness' call.
Stars collide before your eyes,
A prick from a thorn that waited to strike.
Anger is a passion to an obsesive extent,
It stalks your mind with maliciou intent.
Hey guys, sorry for the long delay. We're back in business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think a congratulations is in order for all the fantabulous blogs everyone's produced (pat on the back).
No thought of clear contempt.
A storm of blood red thunder flashes,
Rolling, tumbling, a relentless fall.
With stripes of black and yellow slit eyes,
A burst of strength and an explosion of claws.
Anger does not think before action,
A gun? A knife? A thick puddle of roses?
Envies twin, or a love that's scourned,
A broken heart or from lonliness' call.
Stars collide before your eyes,
A prick from a thorn that waited to strike.
Anger is a passion to an obsesive extent,
It stalks your mind with maliciou intent.
Hey guys, sorry for the long delay. We're back in business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think a congratulations is in order for all the fantabulous blogs everyone's produced (pat on the back).
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Wish you were here- dedicated to mother (Mum's gone- miss her already)

To help me through the good times and the bad.
Dry my tears
And help me up only in the way you can.
Sing me a lullaby
Help me to sleep, to dream of wondrous things.
I wish you were here,
Trailing Angel perfume,
Drinking tea in the kitchen.
These are the memories I've got.
I wish you were here to hold me,
To kiss me on my brow.
To fall asleep at the count of ten.
You care about me,
That makes me love you more.
And when you're not here,
Who do I become aware of then?
Playing songs in a cycle,
Those that remind me of you.
Waiting for that one phone call that will bring me closer to you.
To tell you all my sorrows,
To relive all my the joy.
I come home and open the door,
Coming home to an empty room.
I wish you were here,
To be my shining star.
To be the happiness that awaits me,
On the otherside of the door.
We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.

The writer of the chapters from my novel life.
With squiggles across coffee dry, I glide my calligraphy
With squiggles across coffee dry, I glide my calligraphy
Throughout my biography- history.
The notes I make are unimportant, the meanings small and short,
Yet in this meaningless diary,
My entire life in report.
A date to go by with the writing, a pin point where to start,
A bookmark stroking its insides, from this diaries last resort.
Now if you find this novel,
A novel of human endeavour,
You may laugh at my incredible idiocy,
Or smile to your hearts content.
Of course through human nature,
The tears, I fear, may fall.
No persons entirehistory is free of any faults.
A one word page in 2006,
A blank one in 2003.
From January to May speaks of revision,
Whereas June replays times of wild party sprees.
Perhaps a photo, give or take, a memory caught on film.
A description beneath the afternoon,
A funny comment or two to boot.
I am the painter of my design.
I craft my life in charcoal grey,
Embroided loves and friendship buttons, as well as family recipes.
Some calculations, 1 x 3 from a maths book forgotten on the floor.
The diary portrayal of a vivid dream,
And we are merly players on its stage.
So when you come across my 'dear diary';
A spell be placed on you.
Remeber every word I wrote and support a couple or two.
Read this well and note the fact this once belonged to me.
Some one who wanted their privacy,
kept in a dear, dear diary.
Song of th day: 'This isn't my Idea' from the movie The Swan Princess
Artist link: http://justyna7.deviantart.com/
A memory written down is a memory sustained throughout life. In the end, these will be the ones you remember the most.
Precious memories include family, sadly enough to say, I havn't spent that much time with my family as of late, yet I hope that e-mail will be enough till I see you all again. Remember that I love you all, take care of yourselves.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Introducing 'Written In Stars'- comments much appreciated
I have mentioned my novel before and have made definate progress in it. I am posting the prologue to my story on this blog in the hopes that someone would comment on what needs to be changed and would should be kept. Ladies and gentleman, introducing page 1:

One never knows how much life can depend on a single moment. A second where ones perception overtakes all cohort thought. A minute of highly strung mistakes trickling away into a cursed hour. It's everydays decisions you make that can alter your reality to the one thing you hate most.
Like every star in the sky, someone burns away to fuel another. Someone explodes in a Supernova to free new particles and gases into the air to someday create lives of their own. I've never taken it into much consideration and probably never will, these thundering questions of why do we question what's already on paper? Why do we question prophecies or ancient scrolls half-forgotten?
Question is a danger, second to decision. Each question and answer alters perspective, thought and that one second decision time to make up your mind. One can learn in various ways the concequences, or ignore the crutial facts. It's like questioning the future when you've yet to figure out the present.
I remember Donnie once telling me that it was a fault to be scared of the dark. I can even remember agreeing for the sake of it. Yet here I find myself with a candle beside my bed, scared to diminish the light I had once found amongst 'them'. A light I had lost once more due to another faulty decision. Why hadn't it turned out in the end?
It's a question, and one that I decide to place behind me. Another fault I had made when all I had treid to do was the opposite. I remember the start, I remember the end. Dark, gloomy and blood red petals falling from the sky above me. Feathers perhaps?
But do I care to share this information to the world? Do I dare tell everyone that their answers and beliefs had all been wrong? That the media had once again decided to pull a veil over the cruel thruth of the end?
I'll try to give one last time, though I'm not sure if this will even reach you.
The decision will always be yours, and that decision can change the future, make a difference and stand out.
One moment thought f a previous action can drive the world into a different direction.
One decision, one life, one second.
That's all it takes.

Song to be heard: Forget it by Breaking Benjamin
Artist links: darkladyxxx.sblog.cz/dream/
Life; rewritten

Life is something worth living for;
You think that pain will open up the door,
It's not like selling a score.
It's not a game that you can restartOnce the blackness comes,
Don't think that you will be reborn.
Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?
The one that comforts you at the brink of death?
This life can be rainbow colours,
Grey and white, also old picturesque.
But we've got in common, survival instinct.
Many people lie, cheat or mess around with others' lives.
Is there a reason that makes them feel alive?
People don't respect the will to see,
Don't seem to want the instinct to survive.
People don't deserve to die.
But what's the point when they don't make the effort to stay alive?
We can hear and we can breathe, we can see, but we can't sleep!
Open your eyes and look up to the abyss.
Do you wanna be free at all?
It's a wonderful thing to be heard of at all.
There's no second chances.
It's so cowardly to proclaim you have nothing nothing to offer.
It's the difference you make that uniquely contrasts us.
Undescribable things, won't get you very far in this world.
Why can't everyone redeem, unless you threaten what they seem to believe.
Life is the greatest miracle of all.
Don't be afraid to ask or fight for what is right.
Don't be scared to love because you don't deem yourself right for the fight.
Hold your head high,
Like a multi-coloured butterfly soars through the sky.
It's simple. So simple.
How can it be with just a blink? (So simple)
Too complex to figure out the questions starting with 'why'?
That's just life, and you don't get all these chances before you die.
Song to hear: 'Getcha head in the game' by Zac Efron
Artist link: http://windred.deviantart.com/

Feathers drifting across the snow, don't go,
Crimson stains upon the polished steel have gone.
The heavens painted roughly across the sky;
Streaks of dusty trails sliver on by.
Please deliver us
Send an empty hope of love.
Please deliver us
Take away the stains upon our hands;
Deliver us.
Whether it be right or wrong,
Please deliver us.
Take the sins that we once honed..
Fire trailing across the broken tears of shattered bone.
A cross that stands defiantly against the woodland floor.
Runes scorch my flesh and burn my inner soul.
The violent answers that no one wants to behold.
(Deliver us)
Where was once the graceful way in which we played?
Where was once the land we strived to liberate?
Rivers brim with bodies carelessly have flung.
Pain so deep the blade can't reach the tail of one.
Wings will flutter endlessly above the ground,
Behind the veil, no sin can reach us there.
Hope that one day it will change,
I'm hoping that it all will come to an end.
Words wield stronger than might,
All the thirst for blood will be savagly wiped.
A world that's light, a world of calm;
That's what we light this for,
Deliver us. Please...
Origionally written for the novel that I'm currently composing 'Written in Stars'
Song to be heard: Can't take my eyes off of you by Troy, Gabrielle, Sharpay and Ryan from High school musical.
Artist link: http://heartofwolf.deviantart.com/
Be Still Now

Be still now, baby don't you cry
It doesn't matter if you're wrong or right.
I can see you through the window, tears are falling,
It makes no difference at all.
How can one say that the strong don't cry?
How can one say that it doesn't portray life?
Single droplets of outlet misery on deathly snow pale skin.
The door's wide open, behold the starry sky.
The hard cold stones dyes in red and white.
Stretch out your hand and watch closely,
Snow flakes littering the sky.
It means they're looking out for you
Feathers dust across the clouds for you.
Angels' laughter of joyous infection,
You're not so different at all.
And when you're sad,
The stars foretell;
That from above, the holy noel.
Don't let the faces all around you, make you weak with disdain.
The rain can wash away the snowy glimmers,
Your tears can wash away with hope;
But if you listin carefully,
You'll hear the fluttering sound of wings.
You may be small, or weak, or different,
That doesn't mean you're alone.
There are those that guide you soundly
Throughout the strife and the tolls.
Hush, don't cry
I'll sing you a lullaby.
Listin carefully
Because there's someone out there waiting for you,
You can see them with the snow.
They're crying with you, raindrops fall;
And when a smile breaks through,
Remember that the rainbow's just for you.
Song to be heard: Breaking free by Zac Efron and Vanessa Anne Hudgsen
This picture is not my own: cover art (artist name being tracked)
Where we live in

What is the day?
A cacophony of whispered prayers and growls of thunder,
Life emboided in a hotchpotch of energy,
A stream of smoke in busy sidewalks.
A cacophony of whispered prayers and growls of thunder,
Life emboided in a hotchpotch of energy,
A stream of smoke in busy sidewalks.
What is the night?
A shadow across distress,
Hidden meanings of callous injustice,
A glimmer of stars trailing far from mankind.
Where is the sun?
Its violent warmth,
Its haughty shimmer,
The vibrant storm of hope?
Where is the moon?
An enthraling mirror of tranquil light
Mysterious in its wake,
The shine that makes all beauty.
What will become of the rock?
Stubborn and proud with dizzying height,
Never impaired, unlike us,
Timeless and without speed.
What will become of the sea?
Horses hurtling in a haphazard ebb and flow,
Wistful throughout centuries,
Like silk on a tapestry of quicksand.
This life we're living in, can you hear it?
A song of truth, a song of sorrow,
A darkling thrush and a simple nightingale,
This life we're living in, can you feel it?
A capricious heart,
A tedious beat or a pounding of fluttering wings,
Thump-thump, thump-thump.
This life we're living in, can you touch it?
A carmine rose,
A beauty unlike any other,
Under fragrant petals, it will hurt you.
Artist link: mylittleknifefighter.deviantart.com

Snow sparkling all around me,
Snow flakes glisten,
White sheets fall about the concrete.
White angel bodies litter the frost
Dreaming of multi-coloured pixies in the trees.
Snow flakes glisten,
White sheets fall about the concrete.
White angel bodies litter the frost
Dreaming of multi-coloured pixies in the trees.
Water iced over falling from the joyous heavens,
Streaks of ice stand raggedly against my feet;
Hands elegantly swaying about me as I feel the coldness seep through my skin.
Droplets pepper the black smudge of lashes against a pale cheek
Indicated by a pale blue-lit light.
An aura all around me now gushing wondrous life
Sparkles from a halo in the sky.
Covered rooftops follow smoke,
Cloudy skies lit bright;
Grey and blue swirled like a milkshake
Unfurl unto the Earth.
A crunch beneath a heavy boot suggests the present ice,
The warmth has left.
Yet everyone amidst us is smiling.
A fight breaks out and a snowman falls,
Ice flung across the road;
Cars misted windows, cold interiors,
All frozen in a row.
But inside where the candle's bright,
The sensation grows.
Beside a mistletoe, stocking-lit fire,
Hot chocolate and marshmellows we stand by the window staring transfixed at the snow.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOLLA! I hope you have a great one and hope this is the happiest birthday of them all.
Song of the day: 'Everything' by Lifehouse.
Hail to my kingdom

My first entry is writen in the depths of the night, beware of oncomming spelling mistakes and puctuation flaws. Yes, I exist, I'm real and I have a blog. *enter applause*. For all people who worrship the ground I walk on, bow down now and imaginaryly kiss my feet as I have accomplished the impossible, though it is also acceptable (for those who regard me as family or freak) to applaud at my skills of creating retarded looking blogs at this time of the hour.
A personal message to my family- this way I can post all songs, drawings and pieces of fiction from my side of the globe to yours. Easy as that.
On a more serious note, I miss you all so much and it just gets worse everyday when I think about everything I am and will miss in your lives, for example nunu. I'm sorry about not being there so I can experience it but I will make a great effort on checking out nunu's blog.
I love you all and can't wait for the next mail, p.s. sorry for everything wrong I said in the 'how well do you know......' thing. I guess it got me thinking on how.......not-so-well I know my family. You all better be prepared for thorough investigation upon my next arrival in RSA.Stay tuned for the next episode of.......Spoken wisdom.
A personal message to my family- this way I can post all songs, drawings and pieces of fiction from my side of the globe to yours. Easy as that.
On a more serious note, I miss you all so much and it just gets worse everyday when I think about everything I am and will miss in your lives, for example nunu. I'm sorry about not being there so I can experience it but I will make a great effort on checking out nunu's blog.
I love you all and can't wait for the next mail, p.s. sorry for everything wrong I said in the 'how well do you know......' thing. I guess it got me thinking on how.......not-so-well I know my family. You all better be prepared for thorough investigation upon my next arrival in RSA.Stay tuned for the next episode of.......Spoken wisdom.
Insert theme song 'Save me' by Remy Zero just because it's cool.
Artist link: blog.libero.it/PhotoPassion/
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